I am Ms Taz. This is the story of my life. I love to share pictures and stories of my baby, Honey B. She is everything to me and has brought me so much happiness.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

HOLIDAY HELL, its already started.

Ya know, sometimes I just want to smack the crap out of my family I tell ya.

I love my brothers dearly but I am so frustrated right now.

Here is the story:
My mom tries to make plans with my Brother in MN and his wife and girls for Thanksgiving. These plans started over a month ago. We never hear anything back from them. So I call yesterday to see what is going on. My brother calls my mom back and says they have other plans. I can tell my Mom is again disappointed in my older brother because he cannot seem to make any decisions on his own and my sister in law in again in complete control. My little brother lives down south so we know he is not going to be around. Wait it gets better. So I start wondering about Christmas. Are we even going to get together this year? My mom is already crying because she knows my little brother is not coming with his new wife and family. So now my older brother has already disappointed her on Thanksgiving-- what comes for Christmas? I don't understand how it can be so hard to remember your family on the holidays. I think of my brothers often and call, but do they- no. I want to smack them up. We are too old for this crap. This is why I don't like the holidays. Too much drama. And I live with my folks so I get to hear all the drama and get in the middle of it all. My older brother moved his family to MN- which is good- I am happy for them. But I never thought it would turn out like this and be such a big deal to get together. He needs to realize that everyone is busy and it is not just about his wife and their plans. I hope my little brother has good holidays but at the same time I wish he could be here too.

Thats it......I am gonna move and get out of the middle of this. I cannot keep the family together I am not a bottle of glue. I am actually more like a ticking time bomb of emotional issues.
It just never ends. I am so confused- I want scream at my brothers, they suck. But I love them to death. I do all the worrying about my parents. What about me? I am so confused right now. BLOG make me feel better. Make this all stop. Give me a BREAK, BRAIN BREAK please.......

Time for a good cry or better pills.


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